Frequently Asked Questions
We've compiled the frequently asked questions from our members. If you can't find an answer to your question, send us a message at info@hkfcnetball.com.
1. Do I have to be a HKFC member to join the netball section?
2. Can I play as a social player?
3. What types of membership are available to me?
4. What type of fees can I expect to pay?
5. What is expected of my membership commitment?
6. What do I get with a HKFC membership?
7. When are practices and league matches?
Do I have to be a HKFC member to join the netball section?
Yes, all players representing HKFC Netball DSA must become members of HKFC. If you’re new, and offered a spot to play for HKFC, you’ll be placed on a pathway to become a member.
Can I play as a social player?
If you are under commitment, you must participate in the HKNA open league as well as attend at least 80% of training and matches.
Only HKFC members who have completed their commitment can participate as social players.
What types of membership are available to me?
There are 4-types of memberships opened to new joiners of the netball DSA. Check out the Memberships page for more information. ​
What type of fees can I expect to pay?
​Monthly netball levy of $50* (covering kit, registration fees to HKNA), as well as coaching fee of $250*. The latter only charged during netball season between August to April.
*Amounts subject to change.
What is expected of my membership commitment?
A commitment of playing 4 consecutive seasons representing HKFC.
80% of attendance to trainings, matches and mandatory season socials.
3 hours of community hours (e.g. helping out juniors, photographing events, supporting the committee).
Attend an umpire course, as and when they’re organised by the HKNA.
What do I get with a HKFC membership?
Path to HKFC club membership.
Access to HKFC facilities (sport venues, year-round swimming pool, F&B outlets) as well as sister clubs around the world.
Discounted, and at times free, to events and activities organised at the club.
Opportunity to join the netball DSA committee.
When are training and league matches?
HKNA open league matches are held on Monday nights between 7-10pm, depending on scheduling, held at courts available across Hong Kong. Trainings are on Wednesday evenings between 7-10pm.
When does the season start and end?
The season begins at the end of August and runs through to April.
I’ve never played netball before, can I join?
Yes, the club welcomes players of all capabilities to come try out.

Still got questions?
Send our team a note at info@hkfcnetball.com and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!